The Creighton Model

The Creighton Model is a natural and holistic approach to a woman’s fertility health. This method of fertility awareness can give guidance to achieving or avoiding a pregnancy and tracking the reproductive cycle to uncover underlying health concerns that can accompany the reproductive cycle. Through the Introductory Session and all the follow-up sessions, the FertilityCare practitioners teach you to track various biomarkers and properly chart them.

What can Creighton address and make sense of?

Infertility, Miscarriage, PCOS, Hormone Imbalance, Family Planning, Breastfeeding — These, and many other situations for your entire reproductive life.

Chart Example

Every woman’s cycles and chart will look entirely different. The good news is that Creighton is 100% individualized and can be used during any point in your reproductive life. Our FertilityCare Practitioners can help guide you toward being extremely successful and confident users of the system, no matter your situation.

photo of an example of a Creighton Model chart

Above are examples of a chart from women who experiences regular cycles. The letters and numbers allow us to chart using a standardized recording system, used worldwide.

What is the teaching structure?

Charting and understanding your cycles takes time to learn and master, and our Practitioners cover something new at almost every follow up. These sessions are an investment in knowing your fertility and being a successful independent user of the system. 100% of the users we have taught have reported that the follow-up schedule was essential to their confidence and proper use and application of the system.

graphic image showing the follow-up schedule for learning the Creighton Model

How could Creighton impact me?

Very practically, there are multiple things that Creighton can help you accomplish in achieving your health goals or needs. Often, Dr. Delcoco will need a Peak+7 hormone panel to understand your health, something easy to accomplish through charting with Creighton. On the same note, she may prescribe you hormone supplements only to be taken after you ovulate in your post peak (or luteal) phase. and Creighton allows you to know exactly when to take your supplements.

Creighton helps to identify the peak for bloodwork, how to achieve/avoid pregnancy, identify the peak for medicine, uncover concerns, predict menstruation, and identify conception/due date.

Side effects of Creighton

Because Creighton is a system of observation, side effects include wonderful additions to your life like stronger marriage, knowledge of your body, better communication, and no harmful medical side effects.

graphic image showing the side effects of Creighton Modeling: stronger marriages, body knowledge, better communication, and no harmful medical side effects

How do I get started?

Schedule an Introductory Session TODAY! Our practitioners are now accepting new clients and can schedule you this month!
Call us at: 317-306-5588